Next release of the editor and the engine is coming

Due to the architectural restructuring, there was a lot of things that got changed and had to be both tested and updated with the editor.

The editor now mostly works, although a few bugs got introduced with the new input event and GUI subsystem. These bugs will most likely be fixed by the release, until then I have to rewrite the GUI editor for the new system.

I hope that the next few versions will be more about adding new functionality than radically redesigning old ones. However the older GUI subsystem was quite atrociously written, as I was less experienced back then when I started the whole engine project. I decided to pay off the technical debt, especially as I also had to completely deprecate the old ListBox in favor of ListView. This one is now capable of smooth scrolling, and doesn't need an often costly backbuffer for the text area.

If everything goes right, the next version will be released no later than April, however since I got a full-time job (which enabled me to get an Orange Pi - stay tuned for the AArch64 Linux version of the engine!) I have way less time and energy for projects like this, so my time schedule is very unpredictable.

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